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Student living in Bremen and Bremerhaven 2021
Research Team: Günter Warsewa (Head of project); Britta Busse; Laura Suarsana

TraCS3 - Fostering Interregional Collaboration and Support for Innovation Infrastructure in S3 key priority areas through the Improvement of Regional Innovation Eco-systems
Research Team: Günter Warsewa (Head of project); Ana Córdoba; Willem Foorthuis; Esa Kokkonen; Lefevere Liesbet; Gabriela Macoveiu; Tina Schneider; Kestutis Setkus; Laura Suarsana

Dryport – a modal shift in practice
Research Team: Jochen Tholen (Head of project); Günter Warsewa (Head of project); Manuel Kühn; Karsten Seidel

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