Memory, Youth, Political Legacy and Civil Engagement (MYPLACE)

MYPLACE is an FP7 Collaborative Large-scale integrating project funded under the 2010 Social Sciences and Humanities call ‘Democracy and the shadows of totalitarianism and populism: the European experience’. It brings together a consortium of 16 research institutions from 14 European countries as well as 14 stakeholder public institutions (museums, NGOs, archive and document centres). The coordinating institution is the University of Warwick. MYPLACE stands for Memory Youth Political Legacy And Civic Engagement. The project investigates how young people’s social participation is shaped by the shadows of totalitarianism and populism in Europe.

01 January 2011 - 31 December 2015

Research Team:
Dr. rer. pol. Jochen Tholen, Dipl.-Kaufmann,Dipl.-Soziologe (Head of project)
Dr. Britta Busse
Dr. phil. Alexandra Hashem-Wangler
M.A. Soziologie und Sozialfors Kevin Wolnik

Large Scale Integrated Project im 7. Forschungsrahmenprogramm der EU, SSH-2010- 5.1.1 Democracy and the Shadows of Totallitarianism and Populims: the Europea Experience